Our youngest children spend their time together in our open plan Raindrop Room on a ratio of at least 1 member of staff to every 3 children.
Young children need to feel emotionally secure to be able to explore and begin to make sense of the world around them so we work closely with you from the start to develop an individualised care plan and your child will have a key person from day one to help them to settle in gradually. Our Raindrop Room is a clean and safe environment for your child to explore and flow freely from our quiet story/rest area to the sensory dark den and then on to where they can express themselves using paint, water and other materials.
Staff are tuned in to the needs of the very young and use a form of sign language in addition to words to give little ones more ways to communicate. Your child will be supported by their Key person during mealtimes and activity sessions and to help them to start to form friendships with the other babies and toddlers in their Key “family group” until they move on to the next part of nursery.
In the sunshine room we have up to 16 two year olds who are on a ratio of at least 1 member of staff to every 4 children. Our Sunshines are developing their own ideas and forming friendships through the games and resources on offer and staff support them as their communication and language skills start to progress more quickly. At this age, children may achieve many of their own personal milestones such as potty training and staff offer lots of support to parents and praise and encouragement to the children as they try new challenges.
Our Rainbows are ages from 3 to 5 on a ratio of 1 member of staff to 6 children and are confident explorers as well as critical thinkers. Our older children thrive on being given tasks that they can be responsible for and staff are not only supporting the skills they need to be ready for in the next step of “big school” but are also developing the qualities and values they will need for the future. Staff encourage the children to make choices, develop their creativity and extend their learning at every opportunity.